Toward a Definition and Characterization of the Engaged Campus: Six Cases

Ente: IUPUI - Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis 2001 Scarica
/ Documenti


B. A., Holland;

Contesto geografico

Extra EU


Vision: strategie e orientamenti




This article springs from the The University as Citizen Conference, hosted by the University of South Florida in February 2001, where six institutions were invited to present the story of their campus' experiences with implementing and sustaining civic engagement programs. From these cases, the article shows the characteristics of an engaged campus and the features of sustainable campus-community partnerships.

Parole Chiave

civic mission, civic responsibility, critical mass, knowledge management, mutually-beneficial exchange,

Riferimenti bibliografici

Holland, Barbara A. (2001) Toward a Definition and Characterization of the Engaged Campus: Six Cases Metropolitan Universities Journal, 12 (3), pp. 20-29 [Accessed 3 July 2020].
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